Reynolds: Song Lyrics and Poems
Place to Be
Notes: words and music
by Malvina Reynolds; copyright 1958 Schroder Music Company, renewed 1986.
Ev'rybody has a place to go,
Ev'rybody wants a place to be,
When birds fly they're swimming in the sky,
While fish are swimming in the sea.
Everybody has a place to go,
Everybody wants to be somewhere,
Lobsters live at the bottom of the sea,
While I'm at the bottom of the air.
Malvina Reynolds songbook(s) in which the music
to this song appears:
---- Tweedles and Foodles for Young Noodles: Children's Songs
---- Little Boxes and Other Handmade Songs
---- There's Music in the Air: Songs for the Middle-Young
Malvina Reynolds recording(s) on which this song is performed:
---- Funny Bugs, Giggleworms and Other Good Friends
Recordings by other artists on which this song
is performed:
---- Marcia Berman: Sings Malvina Reynolds' Rabbits Dance and Other
Songs for Children (B/B Records B/B 112, 1985)
---- Viki Ann Diamond: Activity Songs for Primary Graders (Classroom
Materials Company CM 1086)
---- Nancy Raven: Singing, Prancing & Dancing (Pacific Cascade
Records LPL 7038, 1984)
---- Rosalie Sorrels: What Does It Mean to Love? (Green Linnet
GLCD 2113, 1994)
---- Jay Ungar and Lyn Hardy: A Place to Be (Gentle Wind GW1006,
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This page copyright 2006 by Charles H. Smith and Nancy Schimmel. All rights
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